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Ein Gegenmittel zur Bewältigung der Unsicherheit in der Lieferkette

Hear Doris Raith, as she shares valuable insights into navigating the challenges posed by rare and unforeseen events in quality management within life sciences organizations. In this session, we will delve into the complexity of risk management and provide a comprehensive framework for effectively managing risks.

Learn practical strategies for achieving organizational, technological, and operational resiliency, enabling your organization to thrive in the face of uncertainty and maintain a robust supply chain.
  • Rare events and how to plan for them if possible
  • How Quality Risk and Supplier Management can help to prepare for Supply Chain Uncertainties
  • The increased pace of change and its impact on Quality Management


Speaker 1

Gon Brown

Gettyimages, Founder
Speaker 2

Gon Brown

Gettyimages, Founder
Speaker 3

Gon Brown

Gettyimages, Founder
Speaker 4

Gon Brown

Gettyimages, Founder

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